"I've seen Teresa and Tim's techniques at work with my leadership team, with transformational results. They've helped us cut through the jargon and communicate with clarity, purpose and vision."
- Donald Kaberuka, President, Africa Development Bank.
"I worked with Tim and Teresa early on in my career with notable results and I’ve made many a return visit. They scrubbed me of acronyms and schooled me to making everything more relevant and real to my audience. We've now engaged them in training our leaders in a Master Communicators program and I’ve seen a watershed difference in bringing our work to life."
- Carter Roberts, President and CEO, World Wildlife Fund
"Tim and Teresa have mastered the art and science of effective communication. For two years now, I have repeatedly called on their amazing skills to help me prepare for important public statements, presentations or complex sessions with high level counterparts or media. The results are systematically impressive. It works every time!"
- Hela Cheikhrouhou, Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund.
"The power of Tim and Teresa's work is that it gave me the confidence to approach public communications without fear—and in fact enjoy it! It has allowed me to convey evidence about development to the general public, including I hope the poor people whose lives we are trying to improve."
- Shantayanan Devarajan, Chief Economist, Middle East and North Africa Region
World Bank
"I've watched Teresa and Tim at work for the past twenty years, teaching over 3000 utility professionals from 152 countries how to answer questions effectively and communicate with clarity and authority. I have seem them transform people who were nervous (to say the least) into confident professionals. They are the best I have seen and their approach is easy to grasp and effective."
- Mark A. Jamison, Director, Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida
"Teresa and Tim are genuine masters. They have helped me enormously over the years and I am certain that there is no professional speaker working today who would not benefit from two hours of their training."
- Wade Davis, BC Leadership Chair in Cultures and Ecosystems at Risk
Professor of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Author of Into The Silence
“Thanks for the assistance you provided me at such short notice. It was really useful, and I think it made me more effective during the Annual Meetings. (I spent, in all, 13 hours responding to questions and discussing with NGOs over a two and one half day period.) Most importantly, it allowed me to provide important information to an audience that was quite hostile at the start, but by the end was really happy with the quality of dialogue.”
— James Bond, Director, CMN, International Finance Corporation
“According to our feedback from participants, part of what has made this course popular at the IMF is that it is action-oriented and experiential, with practice sessions that are true to real-life encounters with the media and NGOs. We consider this course one of our most successful management training courses and we have modeled some of its components in other areas of our management development programs.”
— Isabel Martin, Human Resources Officer, International Monetary Fund
“Our directors were unanimous in declaring the course highly relevant and useful for their dealing with the media. What made the course unique is that the workshop was completely individualized to focus on the very specific and very real issues of the directors. There were no “case studies” or hypothetical scenarios. The consultants, Tim Ward and Teresa Erickson, have both been professional journalists for many years and their thorough background research and knowledge of WHO issues impressed our directors very much. What our directors found really helpful was that this information was imparted with the aid of communication models which enable them to structure their answers and think on their feet — no matter what the question is.”
— Liuba Negru, Press and Media Relations Officer, WHO Regional Office for Europe
“We have been extremely pleased with the realistic simulations and background preparation employed by Intermedia. As a result, their workshop is now part of our standard core curriculum for this professional development training; they are the only vendors we’re interested in using for this course. Smith Fellows point out that not only is the interactive videotaping and feedback on performance a valuable learning tool, the interviews and other simulations conducted by Intermedia are highly realistic and pertinent to each Fellow’s specific areas of expertise. Tim and Teresa both conduct extensive background research on each participant, thereby ensuring that the role-playing exercises are spot-on relevant.”
— J. Christopher Haney, Ph.D., Director, David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program
“Verdict? TWO THUMBS UP, WAY UP!!! This course is a MUST, not only to improve our approach in communicating with the media, but also to conference and other audiences. The trainers are media experts who start the course with making every and each member of the group comfortable and aware of their strong points, before focusing on elements for improvement. By the time you finish this course, you will find that you are answering the toughest questions with confidence, and even find them to be a great opportunity to deliver your message.”
— William Dadzie, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Further references and testimonials available on request