Sample Course Descriptions

Speaking with Confidence and Authority (1 day)
Master the body language, voice, word choice and structure that can make you a successful speaker in a single day. Recorded practice sessions are followed by individual coaching in which we identify the strengths of each speaker's style, and observe the changes they can make to create big gains in his or her performance. This course also examines the specific signals speakers send to their audiences to establish confidence, authority, energy and warmth.

Shark Tank: Pitching Innovation (1 day)
This pitching workshop gives you an opportunity to sharpen your persuasive pitching skills and test them out in a “Shark Tank” scenario (modeled after the TV shows Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den). We focus on crafting a vision, turning your business plan into a compelling narrative, and handling a tough Q&A session. We examine what resonates, what inspires, what convinces partners to want to join your journey.

How to Design and Deliver a TED-style Talk
(2.5 days)
We break down the principles behind the best TED Talks, then step by step transfer these skills to you: Communicating with confidence, organizing your talk, storytelling, using visuals, and mastering presence. Participants design and practice their own Ted-style talks based on a real work topic, and present their completed 10 minute talk at the end of the workshop to colleagues in a graduation TED Talk event.

Media Expertise: Answering Questions Effectively (1-2 days)
Mastering the three tactical models at the heart of this course will enable you to answer the most difficult and unexpected questions in media interviews, panel Q&As and one-on-one conversations. Each participant gets practice questions that are individually researched and customized to focus on his or her relevant issues. The two-day version of the program aims to make you “bulletproof:” able to withstand the most relentless questioning. This course is also available as private coaching sessions.
Communications for Virtual Conferences & Meetings.
One or Two short learning sessions with additional 15-minute Q&A.
Course size: Up to 30 people
Session One: (45 minutes plus 15 minute Q&A)
1. Big Fails and Quick Fixes for VC presenters
2. Facing the Camera: Delivery Skills for VC
3. Organizing your Content for a VC
Session Two: (1 hour plus 15 minute Q&A)
1. Engagement and Interaction
2. Answering Questions Effectively in a Q&A
3. Working with Visuals/PowerPoint for VC
Please contact us for our other tailored courses and workshops.
A partial list includes:
Strategic Messaging
Leadership Communications for Women
The Master Communicator's Program
One on One Executive Strategic Communication Coaching
Storytelling for Transformation
Creating a Narrative of Change
Moderator & Panelist Training
Conference Audits
Principles for Conference Designers
Expert Presenters for Conferences
Dissemination for International Reports
Coaching for "Lightning Talks"
One-hour courses for large groups:
• Communicating with Authority
• Memes and Messages
• Working with PowerPoint
• Moderator Training
• Preparing for a Q&A
• Cue Yourself for Success
• Working and Communicating Well with Others
• Blogging Made Easy
• Social Media 101 for Thought Leaders
• Creating instant Rapport
• Writing with Clarity
Virtually Speaking: Communicate Effectively When You Can't Meet Face to Face